100 days of providing hot tea to civic, aid workers: one man’s amazing social work

100 days of offering a cup of hot tea and biscuits and some days of feeding migrant labour. That is what community activist of Mylapore, Baskar Seshadri has done, on the road.

And despite some warm advice from well wishers to relax and safeguard himself from the virus, this marketing man isn’t restraining himself.

He is sending out appeals to people to make small donations to keep the social outreach going.

Three months ago, Baskar noticed civic workers in Alwarpet looking for a cup of tea in days when all shops had to be shut down. So he brought in a man selling tea on his cycle and began serving a dozen workers. Over days, the duo offered tea to some 50 plus workers across the area, covering even San Thome.

Along the way, tea was offered to policemen on early day duty at key junctions.

Then came the big group of medical aid workers of GCC who were reporting for work at Infinity Park in San Thome, for duty across the neighbourhood; they too wanted a cup of tea.

In between, Baskar spotted migrant workers at a GCC hall in Alwarpet who were in transit stay and wanted some extra rotis and sabzi, north Indian style. Baskar spotted caterers who give great deals and arranged the extra food here.

In between, he has garnered support for a temple priest and a disabled old woman living on the pavement.

If you wish to donate to Baskar’s work call him at 9841033888.

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