We have requested government to allow re-opening of mosque from June 8, says Chief Imam of Jumma Masjid

Syed Masood Jamali, the Chief Imam of Jumma Masjid at Kutchery Road says their community leaders have requested the government to allow the reopening of this mosque from June 8.

Said the Chief Imam, “We have requested the government to allow re-opening of our mosque from June 8. Yesterday (June 3), our community leaders from Islamic Scholars Association – ‘Jamathul Ulama’, met chief secretary K.Shanmugam and gave a representation for the same.”

He says they came up with this decision as people of their community wanted to pray at the mosque. “Though all have been praying at home since lockdown, they say it will be more satisfying to pray at mosque.”

If allowed to re-open, the Imam says all precautions would be followed to prevent the virus spread, “Usually, before every prayer, our community members would wash their hands and legs at the mosque. But now, to avoid crowding, we plan to ask people to perform this ritual from home. Apart from this, social distancing rules will be implemented as per the government instructions.”

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