At Marina, police will prevent people from walks, jogging

Police posted at the station off the Marina Beach say they will turn back people who have begun to walk or jog here – since this is against the regulations.

Jayaraj, a police inspector attached to Marina police station told Mylapore Times this evening, “Although the beach is still closed to the public, since the past two days, hundreds of people have been coming to the beach to walk or exercise. The crowd has been high especially in the evenings.”

Also, most of them were seen not wearing masks or maintaining social distance, he says.

So to restrict people’s movement, the officer says 10 policemen are now deployed on the service road of Marina. “We have also barricaded all entry points to discourage people from coming inside the beach.”

  • File photo used here – March 2020
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One Comment on “At Marina, police will prevent people from walks, jogging”

  1. The public should cooperate with the Govt authorities by abiding the instructions issued in the interest of public , otherwise it is very difficult to control the covid19.

    The authorities should take stringent action against those who violate the instructions.
    The larger public needn’t be suffered for the fewer violators !
    Law should take its own course !!

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