Nothing has changed on Bazaar Road during lockdown: every busy now

Neighbourhood streets and roads are fairly free of cars and bikes but one place lives on its own terms. on Day 2 of the ‘intense’ lockdown, June 20.

And it is not South Mada Street.

It is Bazaar Road, that busy market space that is a road from Kutchery Road end to Karaneeswarar Koil Street end.

The barricades, the police, the pleas to distance – nothing could discourage lots of men and women from shopping at the many grocery and veggie stores here. The meat shops remained closed.

At about 10am, there were at least 100 people on the road and some were not even shopping. Just walking home or with friends.

A policeman posted here said that no amount of discouraging words had an affect and they gave up ans stuck to their posts.

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2 Comments on “Nothing has changed on Bazaar Road during lockdown: every busy now”

  1. Bazaar road market may be shifted to nearby School grounds like St Bede’s ground (GCC property) temporarily for the interest of the public.
    Dhanapal Panneerselvam

  2. So now it winds down to “no effect” Back to square one. Whats the use when police themselves say they are helpless??

    Today my neighbour spat vollies and vollies of sputum at least 5 times, just in front of my eyes.
    I closed my door a bit, lest he spits on my door.
    Whetehr complaining will help, no idea!

    Let this government shed its stupidity and let people rule.

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