Meat shop owners say intense lockdown has affected livelihood of their workers

Since the complete lockdown, the meat shops in Mylapore have remained shut. The shops had to close down after the state government restricted them from operating during the intense lockdown period (June 19 to June 30)

Now, the meat shop owners say the livelihood of their workers has been affected due to their shop’s closure.

Says Basha, owner of a meat shop at Bazaar Road, “Following the complete lockdown, though I’m able to run my family with some savings, the livelihoods of my staff and their families have been affected.”

Basha says his workers are usually paid salaries on a daily basis. “But as we closed down from June 19, we are unable to give them salaries now. However, I’m supporting them with money to buy provisions, he says.

However, Basha says he would not be able to extend much help if the restrictions continue.

Premkumar, owner of another meat shop at Kamarajar Salai, R.A. Puram also expresses similar concerns.

Says Premkumar, “The livelihood of my staff, mostly migrant workers has been affected after complete lockdown. So to help them, I’m providing them food thrice a day.”

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2 Comments on “Meat shop owners say intense lockdown has affected livelihood of their workers”

  1. Hope they understand that the world over meat is being avoided by many. Presently plant based meat are pickig up sales. Plus in India Jackfruit is emerging as a great meat replacement. on cooking it tastes just like meat.

    These guys better change their approach as meat is doomed post COVID-19.

    Please call me for details!

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