Dining inside restaurants: slow start in Mylapore central

Restaurants in the heart of Mylapore are not abuzz on the Monday that they werev allowed to have dining in their premises in the relaxed rules regime of the lockdown.

Last night, one our rounds staff at Ratna Cafe had said they would perhaps allow people to sit at a few tables inside to have a cup of coffee. But tiffin would not be served, we were told.

This morning, at about 7 am, only Nithya Amirtham on North Mada Street was open for business. A few people sat to have idlis and coffee; photos shared by its promoter showed people seated at a few tables, apart by 4/5 feet.

Owner Parthibhan K. said his managers were making sure people followed all the regulations here.

Elsewhere, on South Mada Street at three restaurants there was no sign of dining in. All of them now say that they will open for dining from June 10. Take-aways are going on as usual.

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