Writer-editor Praveena Shivram of Abiramapuram who will head this workshop says, ” What we will learn during this two-week workshop, among other things, are fitting the form to an idea, deriving expression from emotion, creating characters, narrative voice, and the different genres that make up a story.”
With live group sessions on weekends, individual work during the week, and one-on-one sessions towards the end, the workshop, says Praveena hopes to bring the composite being of a story alive and the very individual words that define it.
The first workshop, to start soon was booked in days so Praveena is offering a second batch from July 18 to the 31.
For more details, write to praveena.shivram@gmail.com.
Fees: Rs. 5,000. Time: 10:30am to 12:00pm
Praveena Shivram is an independent writer based in Chennai. Over the past 16 years, both her fiction and non-fiction have been widely published. More about her and her work at www.praveenashivram.com
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