Consulate General of Republic of Korea to hold online dance contest

To spread positivity and cheer during this lockdown, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea has come up with an online dance contest.

As part of the contest, the consulate based in Mylapore encourages people to dance for a Korean pop (K-pop) music or Korean nursery rhymes and upload their videos to YouTube. Later, the YouTube video link may be shared to the consulate as a comment to its Facebook post-

Says Miri Choi, researcher, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea, “Anyone from children to seniors and family members/ friends can participate in the contest. They may come up with their own steps/dance forms/ exercise routines and dance for their chosen K-pop music. We just want people to have some fun.

“When people from all over the world watch these videos on Facebook, it is bound to spread cheer to the larger public. The contest is also a way to promote our Korean music, she adds.

Says Hong-yup Lee, Deputy Consulate General, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea, ‘Through this contest, we hope to showcase that this unprecedented challenge of COVID-19 pandemic can be turned into a marvellous opportunity to further advance and boost the love with family and friends.’

The consulate is accepting the video entries now. “After going through the videos, we will be selecting three winners. And exciting prizes will be given to them. We also plan to gift over 100 people who take part in the contest,” says Miri

The office of Consulate General of the Republic of Korea is at 29, Dr Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore. Ph: 40615500.

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