Vivek store staff trained for new season of shopping. But there are other challenges. And servicing of goods will take time.

Opening a chain of stores well-known for its white goods sale is a challenge. Viveks was ready for it as some of its stores in the city, including the founding store in Luz opened for business on May 4, Monday.

There was much spring cleaning to be done. Sanitisation was part of it. And staff placed differently to work in the new environment of the corona virus.

But the staff had been prepared for this day. Said Vishal of the Vivek management, “We have been holding online training for all our staff to prepare them for this day. It also kept them occupied.”

However, not all staffers reported for work on Day One. “We warmed up slowly,” said Vishal on the phone.

Vivek’s has put in place 4 cardinal rules that all – staff and shoppers – must follow. Sanitise at the gate, wear masks, keep social distance and use credit or debit cards as far as possible.

Vishal has other issues to handle – supplies take time and the supply chain has to work again as shopping improves.

Vivek has not opened up its service section.

“We can do some small repairs in our backyard but we are not ready to offer home servicing because we must get our staff equipped and we need special equipment to carry our work in new environment. Plus, we must rework the customer relationship regulations so people are safe and feel safe and our staff are safe too.”

So servicing of white goods is out of question now.

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