This supermarket introduces ‘one-way’ rule to prevent the virus spread

SunnyBee supermarket at T.T.K Road, Alwarpet has introduced ‘one-way’ rule at its store to prevent the virus spread.

The store has drawn permanent arrow markings on its floor to indicate the direction in which the customers can move.

Says S.Thiagaragan, General Manager, Public Relations, Sunny Bee, “As the walking space at our store is narrow, social distancing cannot be maintained if customers are allowed to move in both directions. So we made it ‘one-way’.”

“We designed the walkway in such a way that one can go through the entire store by following the marked lines.”

Apart from this, the store has also kept foot-operated hand sanitisers at its entrance and billing counters. Markings are also made at its billing counters for customers to follow social distancing.

Also, to ensure the safety of its billing staff, they are provided with masks and face shields.

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