This shop picks up damaged electrical items at your doorstep; delivers after repair

Umapathi electrical services, an electrical appliance repair shop at Luz is providing a facility to pick up damaged electrical appliances at your doorstep. It also delivers it back to your house after getting it repaired at their shop.

Says Karthikeyan, who manages the shop, “Since the past few days, many customers have been approaching us to get their old pedestal fans repaired. However, they are finding it difficult to dismantle the fan parts and bring it to our shop. Hence, we are providing the facility to pick up fans and other electrical appliances at their doorstep.”

The store also picks up electrical appliances like mixie, grinder for repair.

He says, “After reaching a customer’s house, we first detect the fault in the appliance, and estimate the price and time duration required for repair. Later, we go on to repair it only if customers agree to our estimate. Else we return the appliance, and no money is charged for fault detection,” he says.

Karthikeyan says that all their staff wear mask and sanitise their hands to prevent the virus spread.

At 65/B, P S Sivaswamy Salai, Mylapore. Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ph: 9382855227

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