Post-pandemic Mylapore: Plans for Nageswara Rao Park

Changes in life at home and in public spaces are already taking place in Mylapore.
Mylapore Times is documenting them as they happen and talking to people in charge about plans proposed ahead.
In this piece, S Sivakumar, VP ( Infrastructure and Corporate Communications), Sundaram Finance –  seen in the photo here – which manages Nageswara Rao Park in Luz outlines the plans and ideas.

As the city prepares for a gradual opening up, plans are afoot to make the park as safe as possible for all. Though in general, people are encouraged to stay home, we do understand that the Park is perhaps the best green space in Mylapore. No efforts will be spared to keep the park as clean as possible.
The park will be fumigated from time to time as also  exercise equipment and benches sanitised at frequent intervals.
Restrooms will be cleaned often.  Posters to create awareness on reducing the risks of COVID 19 infection will be put up all around the park.
Though the park in-charge will monitor that people wear masks and maintain social distance of 1 m, Sundaram Finance (SF) urges the public to adhere to these rules in their own interest.
Nothing can be better than park visitors taking responsibility for themselves, says Sivakumar.
A set of Do’s and Don’ts will be listed and put around the park to remind public about the continuing urgency to stay safe.
SF has been maintaining this park for 15 years now.
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