People pay tribute to senior advocate S. V. Jayaraman

Senior advocate S V Jayaraman passed away on May 11. Here are some tributes paid by people close to the family.

C R Bhagavan writes –

Although he was my co-brother, he was like elder brother, giving me some solutions legal or otherwise and we discussed politics and temple rituals, family issues etc. He even made a trip to our village near Tumakuru, about 120kms from Bg’lre and donated substantial contribution for our village Keshava Perumal Temple kumbhabhisekam.

For Mantralayam visits, he always asked me to plan the pilgrimage.

Sivakumar Nageswaran writes –

Extremely simple, highly knowledgeable (my father used to say that he used to contribute in leading legal journals). A pillar of strength for the entire family as many children leaned on him virtually during their budding careers and have come out with flying colours.

His contribution to his legal field is immeasurable yet never once he has publicised his work. Such human beings are quite rare to find and it is an irreparable loss to all of us in general and family and legal community in particular.

Veena & Kannan

We are saddened and shocked by this news. Swarnamakka and Jayaram mama have been relationship-oriented people and very supportive to the broader family. The travel restrictions are keeping us away physically but our hearts and thoughts are with you.

A. V. Arun writes –

He was a perfect gentleman lawyer. Polite but firm in his submission to the courts. respected by one and all in the High Court. Had thorough knowledge in civil law.

M S Jeyachandran and Revathi write –

He has been a perfect human being and an excellent neighbour. He will be ever remembered by all of us for his simplicity, caring nature, honesty and social service.

Dr. S R Ravishankar/ Scotland writes –

Extremely sorry to hear the sad news of passing away of our dear uncle (athimber). I remember many occasions when we had long discussions. My family joins me in our prayers.

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