What it means to manage life in a block which is ‘restricted’? The Mada Street example

Twenty families in a block of apartments close to a hotel on South Mada Street are living a different kind of life for the first time in their lives.

Locked up, voluntarily.

And they must live this way till June 2 because one of their neighbours is now in hospital, being treated  for what residents say is a virus positive condition.

This woman is a nurse, the daughter of a family who reside in this block of some 20 apartments, choc-o-bloc off the busy mada street, where hawkers and small shops crowd the space of its pathway.

The nurse was moved out for treatment on May 19, we are told.

“We are leading a locked life but face no major problems,” said one resident on a WA conversation this morning.

Each family, using its own contacts orders on the phone, groceries and vegetables and the packs get delivered at the gate and reaches the family.

“We order from Balaji Super Market and the service is good,” said this resident. “The watchman collects all packs and delivers.”

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