Handicapped nomad couple on San Thome roadside. One dies. Partner in hospital

 This is Baskar Seshadri’s experience –

Thangappan was a mahout of Kerala. He came to Chennai many years ago. A handicapped nomad in San Thome.

He found a partner and the duo got a tricycle and seemed to have run some trade.

The Kutchery Road side nearer San Thome Cathedral was home. I used to serve them cups of tea on my daily rounds of Mylapore to give tea to civic workers, the poor and homeless.

The man fell ill, was taken to hospital, got back and passed away a day ago. Local police helped arrange the funeral.

I found the tricycle covered and a flower garland on it when I was there yesterday to offer the tea.

There was no sign of his partner Jaya who is partially blind.

I hear Jaya has been quarantined now.

There are two people who I can not offer a cup of tea anymore.

  • Report and photo – Baskar Seshadri
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