College student juggles CA classes and hobby of sketching gods, temples during lockdown

With the college closed and examinations postponed, 20 year old T. K. Achudhan, a second year B.Com student of Vivekananda College has been pursuing his interest in drawing during the period of the lockdown.

He has just finished sketching his favourite – Lord Varadaraja of Kanchipuram using graphic pencils.

He says that usually a single drawing takes a week or so to complete especially as he has to juggle his drawing interest and online CA classes.

“The suggestions for the drawings come from my friends who ask me to sketch an idol for them. After I complete the drawing, I laminate and present it to them as my gift” says Achudhan.

In addition to drawing for his friends, he also finds inspiration during his visits to temples and when he has darshan of his favourite idols such as Lord Devanathan of Thiruvahindrapuram (Cuddalore) or his acharya Vedanta Desikar.

Interestingly, during the period of the lockdown, Achudhan has also been guiding others interested in pencil drawing by mentoring them through video calls and providing a demo to them on the nuances of  pencil art.

Recently, he has also done a portrait of his uncle.

Achudhan is also learning Nalayira Divya Prabhandham, the 4000 sacred verses of the saint poets, from his father, Thiruvahindrapuram Kannan, an upanyasakar.

He says he has completed learning almost 75% of the verses and hopes to be initiated into the entire 4000 verses in the near future.

Achudhan resides on Raja Street, Mandaveli.

  • Report by S. Prabhu
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