Bhavan’s Chennai kendra head says he will prepare for December Season concerts from June

On June 1, arts promoter and head of the Chennai kendra of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mylapore will roll out what he has been doing for many years now.

Ramaswamy will start drawing plans for the Bhavan’s December Season concerts that are held in mid-November at th auditorium on East Mada Street.

“The Season must go on and the tempo can be kept if sabhas, artistes and rasikas join hands in the new situation,” says Ramaswamy, who says he will not curtail the Bhavan’s long schedule of concerts held over two periods at the main and small auditoria.

“If hall owners and artistes clip their charges and fees, hall tickets reduced and budgets kept tight we can all run the festivals this December,” says Ramaswamy.

Yes, sponsorships will be thin and rasikas and artistes from abroad may just not turn up in Chennai. But Ramaswamy says it is important to maintain the rhythm of the Season and expects the corona virus situation to be easy by December.

“We will have to follow some precautions but can we force rasikas and families from sitting apart in the hall?”, Ramaswamy wonders.

The past two months, the Bhavns’s campus which hosts at least two events every day, through the year has been locked.

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