At Dabba Chetty Shop, demand for stuff like Nilavembu powder is high

Dabba Chetty Shop on Kutchery Road, Mylapore will be open 9am to 5pm today with a lunch break from 1pm to 3pm.

The shop was open yesterday too till 5pm on day 1 of lockdown 3.0.

Kabasura kudineer is taken when one has cold and Nilavembu powder / Nilavembu Kudineer when one has fever.
Since Corona illness comes with cold and fever as basic symptoms government has advised people to take this up as precautionary medicines.

Both these have been fast moving items. To make it available to more people, the shop is selling these only in small quantities.
The shop cannot arrange for delivery of its products.

The shop has survived the test of time in providing cures to various health problems through its renowned country medicines. The range of products on offer is upwards of 250 with most sought after solutions being Post Natal Lehiyam, Deepavali Lehiyam, Face Pack, Marriage and Homam related Items and temple pooja items.

Also available at Dabba Chetty Shop are solutions to digestive problems, cough & cold, joint pain and acidity, among many others. The shop even has solutions for the diabetic. There are also products for natural dye without any chemicals.

During its 135 years of existence, one principle has remained constant with Dabba Chetti Kadai: ‘Quality of the product and customer service.’  Each generation has passed on the message that maintaining ‘quality standards’ and ‘serving the customer’ was fundamental to running the shop.

K. Badrinath, the great grandson of the founder has been managing the shop since the mid 1970s. He has stuck to his father’s message: ‘Offer what the customer wants for he was the one who made us what we are’.    

  • Report by S. Prabhu
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