23 new virus positive cases reported in ward 173. KVB Gardens has 49 now.

In the last 24 hours, 23 new virus-positive cases have been reported at ward 173 of Mylapore. And this ward is becoming hotter, rapidly now.

Of the 23 cases, 20 have been reported from KVB Gardens in R.A. Puram. And 3 have been reported from Sathya Nagar, a colony behind Greenways Road MRTS railway station.

A Chennai Corporation’s animator attached to ward 173 confirmed to Mylapore Times the information regarding these cases.

Earlier, KVB Gardens reported 26 positive cases. And in the past few days, the animator says few more cases were reported taking the total tally at K.V.B Gardens to 49.

When asked about the source of infection at KVB Gardens, she says, “Initially, a vegetable vendor of this area who used to procure veggies from Koyembedu vegetable market contracted the virus. From him, his wife got it. And later from the two of them, it spread to over 40 people in the community.”

However, the virus-positive vegetable vendor passed away recently as he had Kidney failure.

At Sathya Nagar, she says three family members have contracted the virus.


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