Thousands watch web streaming of prodosham puja at Sri Kapali Temple

Over 10,000 people and more watched the live web streaming of the prodosham puja at Sri Kapali Temple this evening in Mylapore.

It started at 4.30 p.m. and ended at 6 p.m. and was followed the rules: there were no processions and participation of people.

Only some one dozen people including the priests were allowed to be at the temple to conduct the puja; also in was the odhuvar and the nagaswaram artistes.

Hundreds of people posted their comments mostly praising lord Shiva and a prayer, many asking that the virus be wiped out quickly.

Some people though said that the commentary that was run on the web cast could have been avoided to let people soak in the rituals and prayers. Many appreciated the HR&CE Dept for arranging the web cast.

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