On terraces, people are playing football, flying kites and expanding terrace gardens

Terraces have become the new community spaces and are being used for a variety of activities following restrictions placed on people during th virus lockdown.

In Mandavelipakkam, teens go up to the open space in the evening for games of football and tennikoit. In Abiramapuram, tennikoit is being played across buildings, on terrace tops.

And in the heart of Mylapore, every evening there are at least a dozen colourful kites flying in the evening sky, bringing joy to a sport that has been held illegal in the city because the manja thread can cause fatal injuries.

Others are using the terrace to make some tasty snacks, drying the stuff in the rising summer heat and those who have terrace gardens are expanding them using up the free time at their disposal.

“We play a variety of games to pass time,” said a dance teacher of Mandavelipakkam. “Even adults join in.”

(( )) MYLAPORE TERRACE SUPERACTION IN LOCKDOWN – join this visual series where we want you to shoot a photo of activity on your terrace – even if it is just drying clothes or singing freely – and mailing it to us – mytimesedit@gmail.com or sharing it on the Mylapore Times FB page. Just mention the short address too. Add a few lines if you wish.


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