Mylapore police officer plays Good Samaritan to ailing advocate. Sources papaya that docs advised.

Mylaporean Bharathi Karthik saw a Good Samaritan in a police officer of Mylapore. And this when her 84-year-old father-in-law was being treated in a Alwarpet hospital and they needed some help.

All she was looking for was fresh papaya fruit.

Says Bharathi in a Facebook note – ‘My father in law is admitted in Kauvery Hospital for dialysis. Yesterday, doctors advised to give him papaya fruit but could not get it anywhere in the market. Due to lockdown we couldn’t go out too. Then we called up 112. Told them I am in need of papaya fruit.’

Not long thence, Karthikeyan, sub-inspector of Mylapore police station was at Bharathi’s doorstep and handed over the fruit.

“We are really grateful to him and the police department,” she says.

The senior advocate has been in the ICU and on dialysis.

Bharathi says she has now arranged with a fruit hawker to supply the papaya. But her family is still thinking of the policeman’s gesture in lockdown time.

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