Muslim families in the neighbourhood observe Ramzan at their homes

Due to the lockdown, Muslim families in the neighbourhood are observing Ramzan at their homes.

Says Abdul Rahman, a businessman based in Nimmo Street, San Thome, “Every year, we used to visit the mosque for special prayers during Ramzan. However, this year due to lockdown, all mosques are closed. Hence, our community is praying at home.”

Abdul says that his family maintains social distancing during the prayers.

Says Abdul, “We maintain a distance of 1 metre between ourselves while praying at home.”

On each day of Ramzan, he says they fast through the morning. “To break the fast, we prepare and have a grand meal in the evenings. It includes rice, vegetable cutlets, rose milk, dates, fruits and some special dishes.”

Abdul and his friends are also reaching out to poor families in their community.

Says Abdul, “There are many poor families in our community who are unable to get food every day. We recently gave provisions to some of those families.”

He says they also help others who are suffering. “A few days ago, I along with my brother went around Mylapore, Perambur and other parts of the city to provide provisions (rice, dal, oil) to street dwellers and some daily wage earners.”

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