Despite some challenges Bakeries gear up to open from tomorrow

Following the announcement made by Chennai Corporation that bakeries can be opened between 6 a.m. and 1 p.m., bakeries in the neighbourhood are gearing up to open their shops.

Since the lockdown, these shops have remained closed. Now, bakery owners are getting their stocks ready for opening sales from tomorrow (Monday).

However, the promoters have some challenges at hand.

Verghese, the promoter of Vergheson’s bakery at Mandavelipakkam says sourcing raw materials for some of their products is difficult in this lockdown.

Says Verghese, “Getting raw materials for some of our special products like cookies is hard as the supply of certain ingredients is low. ”

However, he promises to offer all essential items including buns, bread, jam, butter and cookies.”Some of our special cookies (butter and premium butter), ghee biscuits and hot puffs will also be available.”

Says Siddik, Chief Chef at Winners bakery off C.P. Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet, “It is challenging for us to run the bakery now as staff are limited. Following lockdown, most of them had left to their native places. So we are planning to provide only basic items like bread and some pastries (cookies, fruit cake, tea cake)”

Both these bakeries will open from tomorrow. They will operate in the timings specified by the Corporation.

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