This maid in San Thome goes back to traditional practices; makes use of neem leaves

Beatrix D’ Souza, former English professor and Member of Parliament who resides in a San Thome apartment and is recovering from a surgery says that thanks to her maid, life is that bit better this crisis time.

The maid has also employed some traditional practices that may keep people safe.

As Beatrix says in her FB post, “My maid picked some neem leaves from the tree on my terrace and tied a bunch on my front door iron grill. Also, some on the balcony and and leaves sprinkled on my bed. Neem is an antiseptic. People sprinkle turmeric water immersed in neem leaves around the house.”

The maid has also kept a bucket of water near the entrance of the block for people to wash their feet before entering the flats.

Says Beatrix,”I also have tulsi growing on my terrace  and 3 varieties of basil. The Karapooravalli leaves ( omum ) is good for a cough. I chew the leaves with tulsi and peppermint leaves . I tried a kashayam made by my maid with different leaves and grass boiled together. Did not agree with me. In the absence of a vaccine maybe the natural remedies will help as a preventive.”

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