Social messages carrying photos of houses, notices of people under home quarantine being circulated, condition misunderstood, say civic officers

There have been a rash of social media forwards indicating people who are in quarantine in Mylapore area and messages which warn people in the areas there to be extra careful.

Now these messages can cause panic and many are being shared blindly.

Chennai Corporation reconfirmed this morning that there are a few people who have put into home quarantine in the Mylapore area. They are in this situation because they travelled from areas which had virus cases. This is a Chennai Corporation regulation.

A GCC senior medical officer told Mylapore Times this morning that if one person in an apartment is in quarantine only that flat is quarantined; NOT the whole apartments block.

The officer advises all others to follow the advisory. And not to panic or share ‘fake’ news.

One person in quarantine is located on Warren Road; some people have shot pictures of the GCC order pasted on the home wall and have circulated it.

While this person is in quarantine as many others, GCC officials say circulating photos of this kind will harm the personal space of people and their privacy.

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