Shopping at mada street veggie hawker market: theatreperson KK shares his story

Many many Mylaporeans cannot live their daily life without shopping at South Mada Street’s hawker stalls – the vadu manga season was topping when the lockdown happened.

But the market is alive and busy, mostly in the mornings. Many close down as the sun peaks.

Theatreperson and teacher Krishna Kumar who lives in Abiramapuram and shops here, shared this experience –

‘The market opens at 6 am and is kept open till 2 p.m. Most shops, those that cannot afford giant umbrellas, close by 10 a.m. However, around a dozen of them are open till 2pm. One or two hike their prices slightly, to take advantage of lesser shops post 10.30 am.

‘Also there’s no 2-metre apart circle or any regulation. Only self regulation. Most shops around Chitrakulam are open. Carry your own bags. Make sure you leave a bucket of water outside your home before you leave for shopping, wash your legs outside home, before entering home, wash everything including bag handles once back.

‘Be cautious in handling currency…..ask hawkers to dump veggies into your bag, do not handle them until you have washed them well.”

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