Residents of Luz Avenue to provide masks, gloves to conservancy workers

Members of Luz Avenue West Resident’s Association (LAWRA) have planned to provide masks and gloves to Chennai Corporation’s conservancy workers as a precautionary measure to prevent infection from Coronavirus.

Says Padmini Rajagopal, a resident of Luz Avenue 5th Street and a member of LAWRA, “We have planned to provide disposable face masks and gloves to the two conservancy workers who work at our street.  We have already started providing them hand sanitizer whenever they need it.”

She says they are also planning to give money to the workers so they can buy shoes for themselves.

There are about 8 apartment complexes and few individual houses on this street. Padmini says that residents of each apartment are voluntarily helping their security guards and domestic helpers by providing masks.

Ramesh Santhanam, a long time resident of our area has distributed hand sanitisers and disinfectant soaps at petrol pumps and to some temple priests, she says.

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