Residents of Ashiana apartments make efforts to take care of seniors in their apartment

From providing food to visiting their houses, residents of Ashiana apartments in Venus colony, Alwarpet are doing all they can to take care of the senior citizens in their apartment.

Residents say that some 15 seniors stay alone in their apartment complex. Says Vidya Balakrishnan, a resident, “As they are sick they cannot step out especially in times of the virus spread.”

Most of them, she says used to depend on local caterers for food. “However, following lockdown, they found it difficult to get food as the caterers were not allowed for delivery. Hence, now we take turns and provide them with food.”

Vidya says that the residents also visit their houses or call them frequently to check if they are alright. Says Vidya, “We visit their houses in case of emergencies. We also call them three/four times a day to see if they are fine. If they need something we get it for them. And as most of them love newspapers, we also arrange it for them daily. If they need their maids for any help, though our association has stopped them from coming, we allow the maids after taking all precautions.”

More than anything else, Vidya says, it’s very important to just be around them.  “It’s very important to just be around them. They feel extremely happy when they hear from us.”

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