Panguni fest: HR&CE dept. officer says advisory sent to all temples. ‘Dissuade people from gathering in large numbers’

The HR&CE department of the government of Tamil Nadu has directed temples to dissuade people from gathering in large numbers, especially the vulnerable.

And this will apply to the Panguni festival of Sri Kapali Temple which will start soon.

A senior officer of the department told Mylapore Times on Monday that “temple authorities may ensure that temple festivals in the next few weeks do not attract large crowds.” But he did not explain how this could be done in the case of the annual Panguni festival which attracts thousands on the days of the processions of the ther and the arabathimoovar.

Here is the advisory shared with all temples by the department –

  • Banners or posters shall be placed in prominent places containing the precautions to be taken to prevent Corona Virus.
  • Temple authorities may deploy staff to identify devotees with cold and cough and politely send them back. Disinfectants may be sprayed in all the places where people are likely to touch. Hand wash with soap may be provided to the devotees and staff.
  • Archagars to maintain distance and should not apply Vibhuti and Kumkumam on the forehead of the devotees.
  • Notice may be issued calling on senior citizens, pregnant women, parents with infants to avoid visiting temples especially during Tiruvizha period to the extent possible for the next 15 days.
  • Recorded message about preventing Corona Virus spread may be played along with religious songs over the public address system.
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One Comment on “Panguni fest: HR&CE dept. officer says advisory sent to all temples. ‘Dissuade people from gathering in large numbers’”

  1. Also to add on. Gov officers can instruct ppl not to give food and eatables in hands. Instead they can give small hand sanitizer and mask to prevent ppl from infection. Above all ppl should understand cleanliness and hygiene is most important.

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