Civic body starts intense virus containment campaign in San Thome, Mandavelipakkam

Chennai Corporation has launched an intense virus containment in the San Thome and Mandavelipakkam areas this morning, March 30.

A group of 80 plus workers – nurses, civic staff, para medicals – were briefed by the zonal medial officer at the Infinity Park behind the Amma Unavagam on San Thome High Road.

Teams of 4 will knock on each door on each street, brief people, ask about health details and jot down cases of intense cough, high fever or continuous breathlessness. This data will be relayed to the GCC centres and medial assistance will set in if the sick cases need attention.

The campaign is to let each team cover some 70 houses. It will past for 10 days perhaps.

GCC officers ask residents in the neighbourhood to co-operate.

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