Chennai Corporation home quarantines few Mylaporeans as precautionary measure

Chennai Corporation has home quarantined few residents of Mylapore who have had travel histories to the Coronavirus-affected countries. However, civic officials say that these people have not shown any symptoms of the virus.

Says an official from Chennai Corporation, “As a precautionary measure, we have home quarantined few people in Mylapore who have had travel histories to the Coronavirus affected countries. They do not show any symptoms of COVID-19.”

Each person in-home quarantine is being monitored by a localised team that includes paramedical staff, sanitary inspector, Corporation’s assistant executive engineer and a police officer.

“Each member of this team individually monitors the person under home quarantine. In addition, home quarantine stickers are also pasted outside their houses. So neighbours also inform us in case the person steps out without our knowledge.”

A GCC poster is stuck on the householder’s gate/wall.

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