Advice from chest diseases specialist: his clinic is on Appu Street

Dr. U. V. Ramakrishnan, specialist in chest diseases and TB who has his clinic on Appu Street 1st Lane says that he gets patients now who are anxious about the effect of Corona virus.

He advises them and others to follow the basic advisory – wash hands often, wear a mask and do not touch your face and practice social distancing.

He says that it is better that people wear masks even if they are not exposed to possible infection. He says that washable set of masks is best for families so they can be washed and reused every second day. “In Japan and Singapore people wore masks when they were outdoors in the pre-virus times and I think that is a good habit for all,” the doctor says.

He says that the virus symptoms appear within hours of each other – dry cough, sore throat and high fever. “Go to a hospital when you feel these,” he advises people.

The clinic is open 5 to 7 p.m. and closed on Fridays and Sundays. Phone: 24641771. No.3, Appu Street 1st Lane.

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