1970 batch of P. S. High School to meet this Sunday to plan golden jubilee meet in June

The 1970 batch of students of P. S. High School, Mylapore are holding another meeting on March 8 to plan for the golden jubilee meet of the alumni to be held in June this year.

Already, one meeting has been held and some 15 ‘old boys’ have connected and since then a dozen more have made contact.

However, the effort to enlarge this group and connect with as many as possible of the 1970 batch is still on.

“The main agenda is to explore the ways in which to celebrate the golden jubilee of the students in
a befitting manner and to felicitate the teachers who were responsible for shaping their careers and making them what they are to-day,” says Dr. U. V. Ramakrishnan of this batch who has his clinic on Appu Mudali 1st Street, Mylapore.

The people ( old boys) to contact are – Easwaran – 9444424295. Dr U. V. Radhakrishnan – 9841008678 and T. N. Janakiraman – 9380523306

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