Mylapore author’s book on Dr. Kiran Bedi, LG of Puducherry looks at her work style

Mylapore resident Shivani Arora has just released her book on Kiran Bedi, feted police officer and now Lt. Governor of Puducherry.

The book is titled ‘Where Kindness Spoke’ focuses on what Sivani calls ‘the inspirational journey of Dr

Kiran Bedi as Lieutenant Governor. It brings forth her virtues, social media interactions and leadership style.’

The book is divided into two parts – the first part is on Bedi’s tweets, blogs and anecdotes on her work as the LG of Puducherry and the second part is on the best practices she has introduced and followed in this union territory.

Shivani says she spoke to the entire team of Raj Nivas – the LG’s home and office. Says the author, “Each of these practices reflect Bedi’s kindness, compassion and transparency.”

Shivani writes on Bedi’s Open House meets for people to share their grievances, on her style of handling official files with information posted online and how well she and her team has tapped social media to reach out and communicate.

Shivani Arora is a freelance journalist. She says she worked on the book with the support and guidance of Kiran Bedi.

The book has been published by Sterling Publishers, New Delhi. It was released recently in Chennai where Bedi and the governor of Tamil Nadu, Bhanwari Lal Purohit were guests.

Contact Shivani Arora at 9789945658.


Photo featured here shows Shivani with Dr. Kiran Bedi.

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