Dress code at Sri Kapali Temple: most temple-goers welcome it and want it enforced

The move by the managers at Sri Kapali Temple, Mylapore to highlight dress code for temple-goers has evoked mixed reactions since the notice was put up a fortnight ago.

Many temple-goers supported the move to highlight dress code regulations, saying it was high time it was enforced.

Said Vijayalakshmi Sukumar, “Just the way we want to have the darshan of Ambal and Swami and see them in well-done alankaram, so also will the gods want to see their devotees properly dressed when they here at the temple. In Indonesia, in Bali, visitors have to follow a set of rules and everyone follows them without questioning.”

Others said that while putting out the dress code was welcome there must be a mechanism to enforce it too, else the regulation would lose its meaning and intent.

Some others suggested that since the temple was high on the ‘must visit’ places in Chennai for tourists, an arrangement be made to provide/hire clothes like veshtis and long skirts to tourists, especially foreigners that could be worn during the visit here.


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