Chennai Corporation and Fisheries dept. survey Marina fisherfolk

On Monday morning, ( Feb.17) officials of Chennai Corporation, and Fisheries department carried out a survey (enumeration) at Loop Road in Marina. They databased the fisherfolk and hawkers in this zone.

Policemen and women from E5 Marina police station were present at the site to provide security.

The survey was to find out the exact number of people who sell fish on the Loop Road. This follows directions issued by the Madras High Court which wants the market cleared and hawkers settled in a built market space.

Said Iniyan, assistant executive engineer of Chennai Corporation, “In all, we found that there are 356 fishermen selling fish from the Light House end to Srinivasapuram.”

The fisherfolks are from Nochikuppam, Nochinagar, Dooming Kuppam and Srinivasapuram, he said.

The officials are set to use the data when they plan the built fish market for the hawkers in this area.

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