Shop fresh veggies at TUCS’s mobile vegetable shop

The mobile vegetable shop run by TUCS Ltd sells fresh vegetables at reasonable prices.

Every Monday and Thursday from 10.30 a.m., it is stationed at East Mada Street off Lady Sivaswamy Ayyar Girls’ school next to the famous Kalathi rosemilk shop.

This past Thursday, their stocks ran out in just a few hours.

Passers-by were surprised to see the fresh veggies and quickly bought them. Some even got down their cars to check the timings of the mobile vegetable van.

Says the staff attached to the state-run consumer cooperative society, “Though we have been serving the public for the past few months, many people seem to be unaware of this facility.”

The vegetables, he says are sourced from farmers and sold at prices that are relatively lesser than the local market prices. A kilo of country tomato is priced at Rs 28.

Open every Monday and Thursday from 10.30 a.m. till afternoon until their stocks get emptied.

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