Over 100 people take part in Temples Walk of Mylapore Festival

Over 100 people took part in  the first event of the 2020 edition of the Sundaram Finance MYLAPORE FESTIVAL – a Heritage Walk of six temples of Mylapore.

Starting at Sri Madha Perumal Temple, Mylapore at 7 a.m. this Sunday, January 5, scholar and writer Dr. Chithra Madhavan led this huge group to each of the six temples, explaining the legends, the histories and architecture associated with each temple.

Since this was to be a two-hourlong Walk, the group was not taken inside temples in every case.

And as the group walked through the narrow streets, starting with about 60 people and growing to 100-plus as the mist lifted this Sunday morning, the participants of this Walk also got a feel of life in these areas – the pretty kolams and rangolis on many doorsteps, the early visitors to the temples and the rash of milk and newspaper delivery youth on cycles and bikes going about their assigned work for the morning.

The Festival is from Jan.9 to 12 and the details of all events are posted at www.mylaporefestival.com

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