Old Bedeans annual meet on January 26 on school campus

The Old Bedeans Association, a body which represents the alumni of St. Bede’s Anglo-Indian Higher Secondary School, San Thome has put out details of its annual meet-up that is to take place on January 26 on the school campus.

Secretary Deepak Raj says in a note that only registered members can part in the AGM of the association to take place first that day and in the events to follow – fellowship, meeting and lunch, all to be held on campus.

A counter will be functioning on campus for non-members to sign up – Rs.100 as annual fee and Rs.1,000 for life membership. Plus, Rs.150 will have to be paid by all attendees to fund the meeting and lunch.

Deepak requests Old Bedeans who intend to attend the January 26 AGM and lunch to mail to  -deepak007raj@gmail.com or to stafford.mantel@gmail.com

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