RamKy workers to run battery operated vehicles for bio-degradable waste collection

RamKy Conservancy workers of ward 123 of Chennai Corporation have got a new battery-operated vehicle for bio-degradable waste collection.

Following, Corporation’s zero-waste initiative, the workers started collecting bio-degradable waste like vegetable and fruit peel from households, hotels and vegetable shops.

Says Jagan, RamKy supervisor of ward 123, “At present, we have procured one vehicle that can hold 500 kilos of waste. It is being run on a trial basis to collect bio-degradable waste from local hotels and vegetable shops.”

Based on the requirements, Jagan says more battery-operated vehicles will be made available.

Manufactured by Chennai based Reep Motors, he says that the vehicle can run for 100 km after it is charged for 6 hours.”Kauvery Hospital, in T.T.K Road, Alwarpet, has sponsored for it,” he says.

Now, Shankar, a RamKy conservancy worker is happy that he is relieved from the physical pain that he had after pulling the tricycle, “Earlier, as I had to pull the tricycle with the compostable waste, my hands and upper back used to pain very badly. I’m happy I got relieved from that pain. ”

“It will be good if they gave this vehicle for door-to-door collection of bio-degradable waste and for garbage collection too, ” he says.

The collected waste is taken to decentralized compost yards located at the backyard of the Corporation’s ward office and other public places.

The ward 123 unit has its office at inside Mylapore MLA office campus at C. P. Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet.

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