Politician and civic activist taps flooded water on street – for good use

Every time it rained hard, Kesavaperumal East Street got flooded. It is narrow, with walls of houses and apartments on it damming any water that falls on the street.

On the weekend, even as people waded through the rainwater Lakshmi Suresh, a senior office bearer of the BJP party and former councillor of a local area ward who resides in this area got into the act.

The apartments complex where Lakshmi resides has five rainwater harvesting systems in place, set up about a year ago. Lakshmi says she felt that the stagnating water could be led into the RWH wells in her campus; so she called the local civic officials and got a team to create a small channel to lead the water into the wells.

Lakshmi says this will further recharge the groundwater. But this may not solve the issue of water stagnation in this and other local streets.

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