Chennai Corporation engineer says they are prepared to tackle the rains

Chennai Corporation officials say they are prepared to tackle the rains this monsoon.

Says T.Iniyan, the assistant executive engineer of Chennai Corporation, “We constantly monitor and prune the trees/branches that have fallen post-rain.In case the stormwater drain/rainwater structure is not working properly; we immediately send our workers to clear the muck blocking its inlets.”

If none of it works, he says, motors will be used to let the stagnating rainwater into the nearest stormwater drain.

He says that motors in the range of 5 hp (horsepower), 10 hp are available at all local divisions of the Corporation. “A 25 hp motor is also available at the zonal level.”

Workers are also seen clearing stagnated water, muck and slit that are blocking SWDs at Durgabhai Deshmukh Road.

Said a worker, “Many a time there will be a sheet of water stagnating on this road. It can be very dangerous and can lead to severe accidents for motorists. So we are clearing it.”

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