NGO arranges tuition, activities for children of Doomingkuppam

Some residents of Dooming Kuppam have joined together with the Banyan, an NGO in San Thome to provide free tuitions for the kuppam’s children.

Every day, over 50 students attend evening tuitions at Banyan’s premises. And the inmates of the NGO, who are mostly persons with mental illness have these children for company, though indirectly.

Says Keerthana, a social worker at Banyan, “While this is our small effort to help the community where we are (the shelter is located in Dooming Kuppam) it also helps in the social inclusion of our inmates,” she says.

The residents of the community who are graduates or have prior experience in teaching are taking the classes.

Says Salima John, a resident of Dooming Kuppam, “The tuitions have come as a huge relief for us. The environment at our house is unsuitable for my children’s studies as my husband often drinks and disturbs the atmosphere.”

Adds Mary Theresa says, “Apart from academics, the children are also exposed to activity and arts and that keeps them engaged.”  Frisbee and football are popular among the children here.

The NGO also grants the children annual scholarships for their education based on the family’s economic condition.

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