Permanent fence coming up along a section of Kalvi Varu Street

A permanent fence will come up along a section of Kalvi Varu Street that runs alongside the Buckingham Canal.

Contract workers of Chennai Corporation have removed wild vegetation and garbage dumped here and fixed concrete poles.

Vivekanandan, AE of ward 124, said that the work is carried out to prevent dumping of waste into the Canal and prevent accidents.

He says, “Often, drunk men hang around this area and some slip into the Canal. Also, local people treat this area as a dump yard.”

However, garbage and debris mounds is seen all along the Canal and waste is seen floating in still, dirty water.

Plans are on the table of the civic body to beautify Kalvi Varu Street with smart street lights, parking areas, greenery and walkways.

Vivekanandan clarified said the fencing work is not a part of that plan.

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