Chennai Corporation to provide beach wheelchairs for differently abled to access Marina

Chennai Corporation has procured beach wheelchairs to help differently-abled persons access the Marina beach.

A few days ago, the Corporation workers along with members of the Disability Rights Alliance tested them at the sand area at Marina.

Every year on the World Disability Day (Dec. 3), a temporary pathway is erected opposite the Gandhi statue to help differently abled persons access the beach.

J. D. Madan, a resident of D’Monte Colony, Alwarpet who is a member of Disability Rights Alliance said that it was very easy to use the beach wheelchairs. This 43-year-old onetime car-racing professional became wheelchair-bound after he met with an accident many years ago.

Now, he is happy that persons with disabilities will be able to get to the Marina waterfront. “As the wheel-chair has ballon wheels, we can traverse to any part of the beach and will not be restricted to the temporary pathway.”

He says that they are working with the Chennai Corporation to make the beach wheelchairs and the pathway a permanent feature in Marina.

A Chennai Corporation official who is supervising this project says that discussions are on to make this facility permanently available at Marina. “The permanent pathway will be laid once it gets CRZ (coastal regulation zone) clearance,” he says.

  • Photo by J. D. Madan
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