Bhavan’s music fest inaugurated on Sunday; concerts daily

Tamil Nadu governor Bhanwarilal Purohit on Sunday morning formally launched the 2019 edition of the music and dance festival of the Chennai kendra of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan at its auditorium in Mylapore.

The formal launch started after veteran nagaswaram vidwan Seshampatti Sivalingam and his co-artistes had set the traditional tone for this special occasion.

The governor honoured senior vidwan T V Gopalakrishnan and Harikatha artiste Kalyanapuram Aaravamudachariar with the Bhavans Legends awards.

Later, Rajesh Vaidhya and his co-artistes treated rasikas to the first concert of the Bhavans fest. That evening, Vishaka Hari presented a Harikatha musical discourse.

Since the concerts are free and some topnotch artistes are featured at this fest, the hall gets packed with Mylaporeans making the best of the opportunity on the eve of the famed December Season.

In December, the concerts are held in the mini-hall and a dance fest is held at Bhavans’s campus in Kilpauk.

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