Sangeetha Restaurant in R. A. Puram offers nilavembu kashayam for free

To ensure people are healthy this monsoon season, Sangeetha Restaurant at Fourth Main Road R.A.Puram is offering nilavembu kashayam at free of cost.

Nilavembu kashayam, a Siddha medicine that is usually recommended for prevention against viral fever/infections is now prepared and kept in a container near the entrance of this restaurant.

To inform the public regarding this, a small notice is placed in front of this container.

This evening, diners at the restaurant appreciated the restaurant’s effort and said that the kashayam will be very useful during this rainy season.

Muthuraman, the supervisor of the restaurant said that they will re-fill the container whenever it gets emptied.

The restaurant is located on 10/2, 4th Main Road, Raja Annamalai Puram. Ph: 24934403.

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