Nartaka dance fest features male dancers

Senior Bharatanatyam dancer and guru G. Narendra of Mylapore was awarded the Nartaka award at the opening evening of the annual Nartaka dance fest at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mylapore on Thursday, October 11.

Guru Prof. A. Janardhanan of Kalakshetra handed over the award. Narendra later performed on stage.

The two-day fest features all male Bharatanatyam dancers and is hosted annually by the Natyanjali Trust, Chennai.

This fest will be followed by a two-day fest ( on Oct.12 and 13) hosted by the same organisation featuring young dancers, all female at the same venue. Three short recitals from 5 p.m. onwards. The recitals are open to all.

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