RWH: GCC’s ward 119 unit constructs recharge wells at CIT colony

Recently, ward 119 of Chennai Corporation has constructed recharge wells at CIT colony. Two of them are seen at CIT colony 1st Link Street and CIT colony 6 th Cross Street.

V. Guhan, AE of ward 119 says, “Rainwater usually stagnates in these two streets and hence we have constructed them with the CSR funds from an organization.” For each recharge well cement rings of three ft diameter have been sunk in the pavements at a depth of 10 ft.

Slits are made at the roadsides to allow the water inside these structures.

Says Aishwarya, a resident of this area, “Even for a short spell of rain, the water would stagnate on our street. Walking and driving would become very difficult. Now, with the recharge wells, we hope it doesn’t stagnate here.”

The AE has also planned to construct few more recharge wells at CIT colony 1st Link Street and CIT Colony 6 th Cross Street.

“In addition, we are also planning to construct recharge wells at CIT Colony 3rd Cross Street and other streets where water stagnates, ” he says.

Residents can also call the AE Guhan at 9445190419 to inform regarding water stagnation in their area.

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